
Buttons allow users to perform an action when triggered. They feature a text label, a background or a border, and icons.

Basic button

To obtain this result, use button tag with btn class name and button type class name such as btn-default | btn-primary | btn-secondary | btn-success | btn-danger | btn-warning.

Outlined button

To obtain this result, use button tag with btn class name and button type class name such as btn-default-outline | btn-primary-outline | btn-secondary-outline | btn-success-outline | btn-danger-outline | btn-warning-outline.

Buttons with an Icon

To obtain this result, use button tag with btn, btn-primary and btn-icon class name followed by your icon and btn-icon-size class.

Icon Button

To obtain this result, use button tag with btn, btn-icon and icon type such as btn-icon-setting | btn-icon-delete | btn-icon-check class name followed by your icon and btn-icon-size class.

Floating Button

To obtain this result, use button tag with btn, btn-primary, btn-float, btn-icon class name followed by your icon and btn-icon-size class.

Link Button

To obtain this result, use button tag with btn, btn-link class name followed by a tag.