
Snackbar are notifications that are displayed on the website. They usually occur at the bottom of the screen within the website and not hamper with the current flow or user experience.

Leading Snackbar

To obtain this result, use a tag with leading id. Main div container will contain hidden, snackbar-container, snackbar-content, snackbar-action and snackbar-action-item class name with leadingClass and leadingClose id. Use left | right class name to position snackbar.

Baseline Snackbar

To obtain this result, use a tag with baseline id. Main div container will contain hidden, snackbar-container, snackbar-content, snackbar-action and snackbar-action-item class name with baselineClass and baselineClose id.

Stacked Snackbar

To obtain this result, use a tag with stacked id. Main div container will contain hidden, snackbar-container, snackbar-content, snackbar-action and snackbar-action-item class name with stackedClass and stackedClose id. Use left | right class name to position snackbar.